
Invite Friends to Help You with Other Tasks on Your Wedding Day

After the other half proposes to meet your requirements with astronomical sphere ring, you can plan your wedding, but now you may not realize that on your wedding day, you will become very busy because you need to entertain guests. At this time you can ask family or friends to participate in and take on more roles to help you with other tasks.

1. The work of a secretary

There may be a lot of paperwork at your own wedding. Would you like to invite an innovative relative or friend to help envelopes, organize cards or write thank you letters?

2. Project allocation work

On the wedding day, regarding the venue, you may want at least one couple to assign your project. This simple task will keep your favorite people before you and keep them worry-free for the rest of the day.

3. Play music

Let talented music talents come into play, and let experienced friends or relatives provide live music while walking down the aisle. Just make sure the choices are consistent with your ritual.

4. License signing work

When your bridesmaid and groom can sign a valid certificate, they can sign a decorative marriage certificate in honor of special relatives and friends.

5. Guests leave a message

Find a happy friend to leave a message as a guest, not someone who can let guests fight at any time.

6. Guide guest

Once the gifted guests flock to the front desk, find relatives or friends who know all the guests. He can call his name while guiding people to the gift station.

7. Smartly arrange or allocate

Make sure everyone gets the smart benefits you have orchestrated. Before the banquet begins, ask a friend who is conscious of the details to help you set the tableware, or ask him / her to help the guests after they leave.

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